Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday, March 4 Hot Dogs + Ricotta stuffed chicken breast with marinara sauce

It is Saturday night and I take my seven year old (a.k.a. frozen burrito girl) shopping with me to TJs.  Believe it or not, I have a list and a plan of what to buy and what to make.  After searching high and low (fortunately it is a small store), I can't find the main ingredient.  In the meantime, my daughter has talked me into Chocolate Covered TJ Os and she working on other impulse purchases to which I am famous among my children of saying No!  Obviously, my will is weakening so I break down and decide to ask an employee.  I go to my favorite area of the store, the samples table, and ask.  First, the guy offers me a sample of delicious Ricotta-stuffed chicken breast with marinara sauce (all sold in the same package) and then proceeds to tell me that they no longer have the item I am looking for!

I quickly transition from "I have a plan" mode to "seeking inspiration" mode.  Of course, I am quite familiar with the latter mode, and that Ricotta chicken was pretty good.  However, I don't think everyone would like the chicken and it's not a risk I want to take at $6+ a pound.  My very perceptive seven year old notices some hot dog buns and says, "I like hot dogs."  From the mouth of babes...  One problem, I am not a big hot dog fan.  Normally, I only eat hot dogs twice a year; at the Walk Against Drugs event where my daughter and I get a free hot dogs thrown out by Kiwanis club members (btw. you also get a free shirt) and when I buy the Angel baseball game family pack deal of 4 tickets plus free hot dogs plus free drinks all for $44 (btw. it's a great deal especially when you go on free t-shirt day). 

However, in this situation, I put two and two together (not difficult for an accountant) and I get relatively inexpensive (though not free) hot dogs for the kids and (relatively expensive) Ricotta-stuffed chicken breast with marinara sauce for Dad and others while supplies last!  I feel a tinge of guilt; then I remember an old can of chili I found in the pantry, so it's relatively inexpensive (though not free) CHILI dogs for the kids and (relatively expensive) get the idea. 

The hot chili dogs were a hit and the chicken breast as good as at the sample table.  Everyone was pleased with the meal including, believe it or not, frozen burrito girl!

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