Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sunday Feb. 26 Frozen Burrito Girl meets Gamble

To the practical cook, the can opener is a friend.  I decided to go with an old (in the sense that I am old; not ancient in sense that my parents are, well, old) family recipe that involves no less than 6 cans.  I loved it as a kid, loved it as an young man and still love it (at least like it a lot) as an older (not ancient) adult.  The whole family loves it except for the seven year old who I will call "frozen burrito girl" for the remainder of this post.  So I asked frozen burrito girl, if she could get the required 6 cans of ingredients.  She does this enthusiastically because 1) she doesn't know what it is for and 2) she gets to use the cantation (cantation=can+rotation) system she and I (with the help of the teenage son) set up a couple of weeks prior.

Here is how it all comes together..
Qty Measure Item
1 1/2 lb hamburger
1 each onion
40 oz tomato sauce (5 x 8oz. Cans)
1 can mushroom soup
 1/2 lb cheese, shredded or 8 oz. cut up cheese
1 Tbl chili powder or more
salt and pepper
3 cup dry elbow macaroni
Brown hamburger and onion, drain.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Add tomato sauce, soup, cheese and chili powder.  Heat, stirring to melt cheese.
Cook macaroni according to directions.  Drain and stir into other mixture. the cans, dice the onion, brown the meat, shred the cheese directly in to the pot (I forgot to do it earlier), enlist help to make the TJ caesar salad, and the meal is served.  Everyone sits up and frozen burrito girl says with alarm, "That's what's for dinner? Its got meat in it."  "Well, you can just have the noodles."  "Nooo, I don't want that..."  Wife to the rescue, "How about a frozen burrito?" Of course frozen burrito girl is happy with that idea because it is one of her staples, right up there with quesadillas and pita bread with hummus (she has particular tastes).  Microwave a frozen burrito and we all enjoy a most excellent dinner.  Highly recommended especially if you have can opener and a family with most members willing to venture beyond frozen burritos!

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