Sunday, January 13, 2013

I am baaack! A Man of Principle

We saw a lot family at Christmas and someone said, "We haven't seen a blog post for a long time."  What's that old adage, if one person says it 10 people were thinking it?  I guess that means there is a demand for me to post again.  (Or there was a significant lull in the conversation and the blog happened to come to mind...)  In any case, why not?  We will see how long this restart lasts.

I am a man of principle.  I try to plan the Sunday meal no earlier than Saturday afternoon (Procrastinator's Principle) and no later than 8:55pm (Practical Principle) since Trader Joes (TJ) closes at 9:00pm.  So yesterday afternoon, I asked my two daughters (the only children left at home since the older two have gone to college, sniff, sniff) what they would like for Sunday dinner.  You may recall from previous posts that it is particularly difficult to please Burrito-girl.  She immediately volunteers, "Risotto"; sigh..I like risotto as well but it does not come out of a can and seems tricky to make.  My wife is a risotto expert so even if I try to make it, the risk of "this tastes funny" or "this doesn't taste like Mom's" is very real.  Next suggestion, "Whatever TJs is sampling," offers the 17 year-old.  Not a bad idea but risky on number of fronts.  I press more and she comes up with grilled cheese and tomato soup.  Aahh, now we're talking.  I could breakout the "GRILL for that one.  So, I set myself a deadline to pause the Ravens vs. Broncos game on the DVR at 3:00 and head off to TJs.

Soup is on the end aisle display.  I grab that and then head to the taster's table since it doesn't look too crowded.  I noticed another lady headed in that general direction,but she pauses to look at the meat section and I make my move and get the last plate!  Hmmm, pretty good.  Simple recipe of Trader Joes Breaded Chicken Tenderloin breasts (with cheese optional) and TJ Frozen Penne Pasta covered with TJs Tomato Basil Marinara.  Not bad; easy to make and, potentially something everyone including Burrito girl would like.  Being a man of principle, I decide to cook the pasta myself rather than buy the frozen pasta (Tightwad Principle). 

So today, I got my 17 year-old to make the pasta, my 8 year old to make the caesar salad (Share the work fun Principle) and together we made dinner.  I put 8 tenderloins out for baking, but I figured there was no way Burrito girl would eat two; I would be lucky if she ate one.  So, I put one back in the freezer.

Dinner is done.  I call the girls and we start with the salad.  "Where's the chicken?" asks, guess who, Burrito girl.  I get a tenderloin and cut it up in small pieces (Make the food look as much like McDonald's Principle) and give to her.  Before I finish my serving, she asks, "Can I have another one?"  Dinner was a success and being a man of principle paid off in discovering one more item to add to Burrito girl's diet, chicken tenderloins!